Analysis on utility of anti-neoplastic drugs in some hospital
摘要: 目的 了解某院抗肿瘤药物应用情况,探讨其临床用药特点及发展趋势。 方法 采用药物经济学方法对该院2012-2013年间抗肿瘤药物应用情况进行回顾性分析。 结果 居主导地位的是抗肿瘤植物药,用药金额最大的是康艾注射液,用药频度最大的是乌苯美司胶囊,日均用药金额最小的是乌苯美司胶囊,抗肿瘤药物中大多数药物利用指数接近1。 结论 该院抗肿瘤药物临床应用基本合理。该院应用的抗肿瘤药物主要以植物药为主,植物药在肿瘤治疗方面起到了很大的作用。Abstract: Objective To investigate the application situation and analyze the main characters and developing tendency of anti-neoplastic drugs in some hospital. Methods To collect the frequency and the consumption sum of anti-neoplastic drugs used in this hospital during 2012-2013. All the data were analyzed with pharmaco-economic methods. Results Anti-neoplastic herb drugs occupied the leading position in some hospital. Kang'ai injection occupied the top of consumption sum. Ubenimex capsule occupied the top of DDDS and the bottom of DDC, most of anti-neoplastic drugs had DUI nearly 1. Conclusion The utilization of anti-neoplastic drugs was basically reasonable, herb drugs occupied the leading position in this hospital, and herb drugs played a large role in tumor treatment.
Key words:
- anti-neoplastic drugs /
- consumption sum /
- DDDS /
- DDC /
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