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YE Bingzhu, LI Chunyan, JIA Min, ZAI Xin, QIN Luping, HAN Ting. The effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance and mechanisms[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2018, 36(5): 392-398. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2018.05.003
Citation: YE Bingzhu, LI Chunyan, JIA Min, ZAI Xin, QIN Luping, HAN Ting. The effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance and mechanisms[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2018, 36(5): 392-398. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2018.05.003

The effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance and mechanisms

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2018.05.003
  • Received Date: 2018-03-23
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-06-12
  • This article reviews the research on the effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance. Symbiotic fungi are widely distributed,which can form symbionts with plants. Studies have shown that some endophyte and symbiotic fungi can enhance plant's biological and non-biological stress tolerance,including drought, high temperature,mineral disorder and high salt. The plants infected by symbiotic fungi are more competitive than uninfected plants to the limited resources and grow better. Symbiotic fungi can enhance the resistance tolerance of plants through diverse channels. The mechanisms of improving the drought resistance mainly related to the absorption of nutrients,plants protection systems, hormonal regulations,hydrolytic enzymes,water metabolisms,related gene expressions,plants defense signal pathways,etc. This paper summarized the mechanism research progress of symbiotic fungi on improving plant drought resistance,which gave readers a comprehensive and updated information in this field.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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The effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance and mechanisms

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2018.05.003

Abstract: This article reviews the research on the effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance. Symbiotic fungi are widely distributed,which can form symbionts with plants. Studies have shown that some endophyte and symbiotic fungi can enhance plant's biological and non-biological stress tolerance,including drought, high temperature,mineral disorder and high salt. The plants infected by symbiotic fungi are more competitive than uninfected plants to the limited resources and grow better. Symbiotic fungi can enhance the resistance tolerance of plants through diverse channels. The mechanisms of improving the drought resistance mainly related to the absorption of nutrients,plants protection systems, hormonal regulations,hydrolytic enzymes,water metabolisms,related gene expressions,plants defense signal pathways,etc. This paper summarized the mechanism research progress of symbiotic fungi on improving plant drought resistance,which gave readers a comprehensive and updated information in this field.

YE Bingzhu, LI Chunyan, JIA Min, ZAI Xin, QIN Luping, HAN Ting. The effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance and mechanisms[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2018, 36(5): 392-398. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2018.05.003
Citation: YE Bingzhu, LI Chunyan, JIA Min, ZAI Xin, QIN Luping, HAN Ting. The effects of symbiotic fungi on plant drought resistance and mechanisms[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2018, 36(5): 392-398. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-0111.2018.05.003
Reference (50)



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