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Volume 41 Issue 4
Apr.  2023
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MENG Xiangqing, WEI Nini, HUANG Xiangchun, XU Jiacheng, DONG Wei, JIA Min. Study on the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(4): 252-254. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202105063
Citation: MENG Xiangqing, WEI Nini, HUANG Xiangchun, XU Jiacheng, DONG Wei, JIA Min. Study on the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(4): 252-254. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202105063

Study on the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202105063
  • Received Date: 2021-05-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-01-03
  • Available Online: 2023-07-14
  • Publish Date: 2023-04-25
  •   Objective  To explore the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing herbal sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels.   Methods  Fifty-nine soldiers with sleep disorders (PSQI scale score ≥8 and SAS scale score ≥50) were selected before training at sea, and were randomly divided into sachet treatment group, mindfulness meditation group and control group. During the training period, the sachet treatment group was given traditional Chinese medicine sachet treatment, the mindfulness meditation group was trained in mindfulness meditation, and the control group was not given any intervention.   Results  Compared with the control group, the PSQI and SAS scores of soldiers in both the experimental sachet treatment group and the positive meditation group were significantly improved; compared with the pre-intervention data, the PSQI and SAS scores of both the positive meditation group and the sachet treatment group were significantly decreased, and the degree of decrease was comparable.   Conclusion  The homemade improving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets have the effect of alleviating the sleep disorders of naval troops served on vessels, which is equivalent to mindfulness meditation. It is easy to use and operate, which is suitable for promotion in the military.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, [email protected]
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Study on the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels

doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202105063

Abstract:   Objective  To explore the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing herbal sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels.   Methods  Fifty-nine soldiers with sleep disorders (PSQI scale score ≥8 and SAS scale score ≥50) were selected before training at sea, and were randomly divided into sachet treatment group, mindfulness meditation group and control group. During the training period, the sachet treatment group was given traditional Chinese medicine sachet treatment, the mindfulness meditation group was trained in mindfulness meditation, and the control group was not given any intervention.   Results  Compared with the control group, the PSQI and SAS scores of soldiers in both the experimental sachet treatment group and the positive meditation group were significantly improved; compared with the pre-intervention data, the PSQI and SAS scores of both the positive meditation group and the sachet treatment group were significantly decreased, and the degree of decrease was comparable.   Conclusion  The homemade improving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets have the effect of alleviating the sleep disorders of naval troops served on vessels, which is equivalent to mindfulness meditation. It is easy to use and operate, which is suitable for promotion in the military.

MENG Xiangqing, WEI Nini, HUANG Xiangchun, XU Jiacheng, DONG Wei, JIA Min. Study on the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(4): 252-254. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202105063
Citation: MENG Xiangqing, WEI Nini, HUANG Xiangchun, XU Jiacheng, DONG Wei, JIA Min. Study on the efficacy of the resolving depression and tranquilizing TCM sachets in alleviating sleep disorders of soldiers in naval vessels[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice and Service, 2023, 41(4): 252-254. doi: 10.12206/j.issn.2097-2024.202105063
  • 舰艇官兵由于个人空间狭小,工作压力大,气候潮湿,环境嘈杂等因素,睡眠状态易受到影响[1]。因此,较容易出现睡眠障碍,由此可引发各类负性情绪[2]。冯晨曦[3]等观察到在以青壮年为主的海勤人员远航中,焦虑和抑郁情绪明显高于航前。睡眠质量还会影响官兵的生存质量[4],不利于训练、执勤等任务完成的质量[5]。在舰艇出海训练期间,做到提高官兵睡眠质量,又不干扰正常训练是非常有意义的。本研究利用解郁安神中药香囊挥发油的有效成分,通过嗅闻吸入的无创方式,明显改善了舰艇官兵的睡眠质量,现报告如下。

    • 在海军某舰艇部队出海训练前1周筛选出有睡眠障碍(匹茨堡睡眠质量指数量表PSQI评分≥8[6]且焦虑评分量表SAS评分≥50[7])的官兵59人,他们中无精神类疾病及过敏体质。随机分为香囊试验组20人、正念冥想组20人和空白对照组19人。所选官兵均为男性,在年龄、学历、婚姻、岗位、人员素质等方面差别无统计学意义(P>0.05)。三组官兵在治疗前的PSQI评分与SAS评分无统计学差异,具有可比性。

    • 试验组使用自制解郁安神中药香囊(石菖蒲、柏子仁、当归、荆芥、薰衣草等)。将香囊放置于床头,晚睡前打开香囊袋,将鼻口置于距香囊口约10 cm距离,深嗅3 min,每2周为官兵更换1次香囊,治疗8周。正念冥想训练主要借鉴正念认知疗法 [8-9]。的8周课程结构,每周在指导音频带领下集中训练1次,每次2 h,包括训练和体验分享,其余时间根据课后作业自行训练。空白对照组与香囊试验组和正念冥想组保持相同作息,工作活动。统计比较三组官兵治疗前后的PSQI和SAS评分差值。

    • PSQI量表评分,总分≥8表示有睡眠障碍,分值越高表明睡眠障碍越严重。疗效评价标准[10]:根据匹茨堡睡眠质量指数量表PSQI评分减分率进行评价,痊愈:PSQI评分减分率在75%以上;显效:减分率在50%~74% 之间;有效:减分率在25%~49% 之间;无效:减分率在25%以内。SAS量表评分,评分<50分无焦虑,≥50分轻度焦虑,≥60分中度焦虑,≥70分重度焦虑[8]

    • 采用 SPSS 21.0软件进行数据统计分析,计量资料以均数±标准差($\bar x $±s)表示。三组PSQI评分与SAS评分前后差值采用单因素方差分析及SNK检验,所有检验均以P<0.05为检验标准。

    • 空白对照组PSQI与SAS评分分别升高27.93%、15.56%,提示睡眠障碍和焦虑有不同程度加重,正念冥想组与香囊试验组官兵PSQI评分分别下降24.64%和25.47%,SAS评分分别下降15.27%和15.58%,说明睡眠障碍与焦虑的症状得到明显改善(表1),三组官兵两个量表评分结果经方差分析,P< 0.05,差异有统计学意义。经SNK检验,香囊试验组与正念冥想组在降低PSQI和SAS评分上作用相当,两组降低程度无统计学差异(表234)。

      组别例数α=0.05 的子集
      组别例数α=0.05 的子集
    • 三组实验官兵均能坚持完成治疗项目,治疗期间均未发生明显不良反应。

    • 最新研究证据表明,战时剥夺睡眠是军人执行军事战斗任务之后罹患创伤后应激障碍、抑郁和焦虑障碍的重要危险因素[11]。本研究空白对照组的结果与吴刚[12]等发现焦虑和抑郁是海勤人员长航过程中易发生的两种负性情绪, 且与睡眠质量密切相关的报告相吻合。姜萍[13]研究显示,舰艇官兵借助药物催眠,极易产生副作用,长期服药还会产生耐受性和依赖性,停药后会出现戒断症状,因此,催眠药不宜长期服用[14]



    • 解郁安神中药香囊在治疗睡眠障碍,改善睡眠质量方面具有明显疗效,并且简单实用、安全有效、使用方便,在治疗过程中无明显的不良反应,且有简单价廉的优势,是改善舰艇官兵睡眠障碍切实可行的方法,值得在军队中进行推广。

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